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Ekran görüntüsü 2023-10-20 165643.png

Where Did We  Meet In This Story, 2023


04' 17"

All stories are a continuum of encounters. When a person comes across a story, even if they resist its presence, try to avoid it, they cannot escape being drawn into its influence, assimilating it into themselves. Stories seeping through any of the gates of perception find a gentle path to progress into memory and find a place to settle. One of the defining boundaries of perception, which gets acquainted with other stories around it and becomes a part of a whole, becomes a part of memory. With each new encountered story, the boundaries of perception widen even further, offering new perspectives that can be drawn from there under new conditions. These stories intertwine with the encounterer’s story so much that there is a need to ask, “Was this my memory?” at times. Because all encounters intertwine over time and create a single story.

“ Where Did We Meet In This Story?” emerged in July 2022 with the encounter of animal bones washed ashore in Ordu, where I visited as part of the Sis Art Residency Programme . During the writing process that began within the program, the narration of a single story that emerged as a result of intertwining short fictional stories, indicating the shape of each bone and the corrosion it carries, with real-life stories accompanied the video.

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