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About Antipodes Project;

The idea that emerged during the Covid-19 Pandemic process was developed based on our daily practices and needs. In particular, the concepts of 'social distance' and 'isolation' which we all use the most, were effective in this project.

Antipode is a geographical term; two points touch the earth in a straight line starting from the point where our feet touch and passing through the core of the Earth and coming out of the other surface of the planet. There are very few terrestrial antipode pairings due to the distribution of the continents. The rest of them usually point out the oceans.
The project is built on demonstrating a hypothetical contact of 1 person living at each of the detected antipode points with the person on the other side of the Earth by inspired ‘social distancing’.

In the first week of May 2020, it was started to reach more than 50 people via social media by evaluating their positions. When there are participants from both antipode points, the people who will participate in the project are finalized. Thus, a total of 18 people became a part of the project.
Sample photos were sent to all participants. A photograph was requested from all of them, and they selected one of the samples and did the same. The participant who sent her/his photo to me by e-mail was asked to respond to this contact by sending the photo to the participant at the antipodal point.
Thus, it has been documented how much people want to reach each other, even if a planet-sized distance comes between them.

Although we did not know each other fully during the production process of this project, my primary motivation was to share the same emotional state with people from different countries. Most of the messages I received from them were about the joy of being a part of an art project and the excitement of sharing the same feeling.
During this process, I met many wonderful people. Even if they were not directly involved in the project, they shared their contacts with me and helped with psychological support.

A part of this work was shown for the first time at the Pause exhibition, Atelier Cocon Colore in Berlin on April 23 2022

Pause Exhibition April 2022

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