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Collab with Rana Kelleci


360, 2022

​Gülden Ataman & Rana Kelleci​

Moving Sculpture,

Found Objects,

90 cm

Made up of many sorts of items that circulated and somehow ended up at Darağaç’s 1525. Sokak Number 8, “360” is a human-sized ball designed to wander around the neighbourhood carrying around the stories the items evoke.


Number 8 was love at first sight for us. It has been idle for a long time, it’s door was knocked down days before our arrival and it gave birth to another space with a surprise door. It led us to a co-creation process that took shape with dreams, words and coincidences. 


The space opens the door to a curiosity for the unknown, revolving around time and objects. The encounters and surprises it presented to us and the photograph of two children falling through the layers of poured plaster evokes a child’s play. The light play feeling of childhood gets heavier and heavier with the stories accumulating over time. They hurt the back; however, imagination moves through the doors that open before them, things move around, and stories wander.

Produced as part of the exhibition "Rotation" that took place in the streets of Darağaç neighborhood in İzmir, Turkey between 30 September - 23 October 2022. 

Text by Rana Kelleci

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